5 Sure Signs That It’s Time to Replace a Shower or Bathtub

Since the bathroom is one of the most-used rooms in a home, it also experiences the most wear and tear. So, if you’re thinking about a bathtub or shower replacement in Milwaukee, we here at Empire Home Remodeling are experts in helping you identify some telltale signs that it’s time to say goodbye to your old model and welcome a new one.
Bathtub and Shower Replacement in Milwaukee: Signs to Replace
Bathroom Upgrades
Here are five sure signs of inevitable shower or bathtub replacement:
Leaks. Leaks are the most evident and dangerous sign that it’s time to replace your shower or bathtub. Even if you don’t see the leak, pools of water created on the bathroom floor or water stains on the ceiling in the room below may be the evidence you need. What’s especially dangerous about leaks is that they can harm the house’s infrastructure and cause thousands of dollars in repair if not addressed quickly.
Cracks. Cracks can be invisible or visible. If visible, they can be an eyesore and create an uncomfortable, or even dangerous, bathing experience. When combined with the already slippery surface of a bathtub or shower, a jagged crack could cause a severe safety hazard.
Mold or Mildew. Mold or mildew in a bathing area is never a good thing. If you notice excessive black spotting that isn’t easily removed, this could signify that the finish has eroded or is pitted. If you don’t have leaks or cracks yet, a pitted tub will produce them soon.
Stains. Unsightly stains demonstrate even more signs that it’s time to replace your shower or bathtub. If any stains don’t disappear with a bit of cleaning product and elbow grease, then it could be time to consider a new model. Who wants to wash up in a space that feels permanently dirty?
Age. Sometimes, a shower or bathtub’s time has come. So, if you have difficulty using the shower or tub or feel like they belong in another decade, then it could be time to replace it. Doing so can create a beautiful new, updated space and add tremendous value to your home.
Empire Home Remodeling
Is it time to replace your bathtub or shower? Empire Home Remodeling is the perfect team to help you with your shower and bathtub replacement needs. “Never do less than your best” is our motto. We’ve proudly served thousands of homeowners in the greater Milwaukee area since 2006, and we can help you too. So, if you are looking to do a bathtub or shower replacement in Milwaukee, call us today at 414-897-7272.
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