6 Keys to Proper Window Installation

Selecting new windows for your home is a challenge, but it’s only the first step of the process. The next step is ensuring the windows are professionally and efficiently installed. A professional installer will follow these six steps during the window installation process.
New Window Installation: 6 Standard Steps
Double-Check Measurements
Verifying all measurements are correct is something professional installers can’t ignore. The installer should measure every window to be replaced because even though two windows look the same size, they may not be. The installer should then double-check all the measurements to ensure they are correct before submitting the order. One incorrect number can halt and throw off the installation process. It might seem tedious and boring to double-check all the measurements, but it’s better to double-check and verify all the numbers rather than not check and get some numbers wrong. Professional window installers understand this is a necessary precaution.
Removal and Inspection of Old Windows
After removing the old window, the installer will inspect the rough opening to determine the condition of the wall is without damage (think moisture or water damage) and suitable for the replacement window. The installer should repair any damage to the wall to prevent leaking issues with the new windows.
Positioning and Securing the New Windows
A professional windows installer knows how to position and secure the new windows accurately. Correct positioning prevents condensation and heat loss. After setting the window, the installer will ensure the window is level and secure.
Interior and Exterior Finishing
Finishing should look good and aesthetically pleasing from both sides of the window, giving a beautiful exterior curb appeal and interior design accent. Exterior caulking is done to achieve water tightness between the window frame and the siding.
Clean Workplace
After a proper window installation, it is up to your installer to clean the work area. A beautiful, clean, new window is the only indication that the installer was there. A good installer takes the initiative to clean the window so you can enjoy your new window with no stress.
Post Inspection
A thorough post-inspection is a must for a professional installer. The installer checks the work to ensure the homeowner is completely satisfied with the job. Post-inspection also involves explaining how the new windows work and giving the homeowner advice on maintaining the new windows.
Empire Home Remodeling
Are you looking to have new windows installed? Empire Home Remodeling can help. We have top-of-the-line windows combined with a staff of professional installers who will help you get a high-quality product for your home and a seamless window installation. Contact us today at 414-897-7272 and see what we can do for you.
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