How to Keep Your Newly Installed Shower Looking Great

Shower remodels top the list of the best return-on-investment projects you can do in your home. A shower remodel gives your home a transformation that makes it feel brand new again.
That remodeled shower might look great now, but it won’t stay that way for long if you don’t establish and maintain a regular cleaning routine. Over time, problems such as mildew, soap scum, and stains can take over the shower and have it looking like a decrepit mess. Our bathroom remodeling Milwaukee WI team takes you through essential tips to keep the new shower looking beautiful and clean.
Bathroom Remodeling Milwaukee: Top Steps to a Clean Shower

Start by rinsing: Before you go ahead and stress yourself with anything else, give everything in the bathroom a quick rinse from the glass doors to the tiles. This action helps remove the top layers of grime and hair. A bucket full of clean water works perfectly for this, or a detachable showerhead works well also.
Shower curtains: Over time, your shower curtain accumulates germs and grime. Regularly wash the curtain with old towels to remove the layers. Also, don’t chuck the curtain in the dryer but instead, air dry it.
Shower doors: One problem with shower doors is smearing and limescale. Use WD-40 and spray it on the door. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then wipe it off with a dry towel. It leaves a fantastic shine.
Fight the mildew: Never give mildew the chance to show up. To prevent it, soak the freshly cleaned shower curtain in a basin of water and salt to prevent mold and mildew.
Buy some sponges: The scrubbing dishwashing sponges work amazingly in the shower. So choose your cleaning solution and get to work with the sponges.
Don’t forget the showerheads: The showerhead gets shower scum buildup as the months go, just like the rest of the shower. To prevent this, fill a sandwich bag with vinegar and baking soda and leave it on overnight. The shower scum rinses off the following day.
Get a squeegee: You can get it online or from the local hardware store. They work great on windshields and windows, but they are excellent with other glass surfaces such as the shower door or glass shower walls. Use the squeegee after every shower to remove the excess water on the glass, leaving no streaks.
Vinegar: It works well for the showerhead but is a powerful cleaner if you put it in a spray bottle and mix it with some water. The vinegar solution is robust and removes even the toughest of stains. Keep it handy.
Empire Home Remodeling
Showers are an ideal feature for most homeowners. However, you might want to consider a shower-to-tub conversion or other bathroom remodeling in Milwaukee. We have a professional and experienced team at Empire Home Remodeling to handle all your home renovation needs. Contact us at 414-897-7272 and see what we can do for you.
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